Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Make Your Own Low Cost Evaporator-- part one

I thought this might be a good summer project for folks that want to start making maple syrup. If you have a nice heated shop you could wait until winter, but I figure most folks don't. Making syrup is one of my favorite homestead projects. Its another great way to provide your family with a something good and healthy, plus its a good way to make extra spending money as well. We sell our syrup for $11 a quart. We had enough ahead that we didn't have to make any last season. I wanted to but we were busy and it looked like it would be a short run. We're all out now, so this coming spring we will have to make time for syrup. Syrup making is a family affair, there is a job for everyone. If you are just tapping a couple trees you can use your kitchen stove and a pan. However, if you want to really make enough to sell you will need an evaporator of some kind. As always store bought ones are priced to high for the average penny pinching homesteader. Years back we made one that is strong, cheap, and can make upwards of 25 to 30 gallons (if you don't sleep for a month). I'm running out of time, so for now I'll give you a list of things to start looking for. I'll give some more details and how to put it together in my next post.

375 Gallon fuel oil tank
a bunch of small angle iron
start pricing sheets of stainless steel
3/4 inch rebar
fire bricks
stove pipe
3/4 inch copper tubing
brass gas valve

REMEMBER......this is a list of stuff to scavenge for. Don't buy anything for a while. You will be surprised how much of this stuff you can gather up at no cost.


At 7/12/2005 6:47 AM, Blogger Danielle said...

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At 7/12/2005 6:48 AM, Blogger Danielle said...

The fuel tank should be new or never used, right? I would think if it had been used for fuel before, that you wouldn't be able to get it clean enough to eat out of it. Or can you?

At 7/12/2005 11:05 AM, Blogger Scott M Terry said...

The fuel tank will be the firebox or "arch". Its fine if its used. The pan will be made out of welded stainless steel and thats where the sap will be.....more on this coming up.


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