Opting Out, Simple Living
Rick Saenz is Opting out of the Walmart culture. Heres a taste.......
"Today I took the first step in implementing a similar decision by going to a new grocery store. We've decided for various reasons to stop taking money from our pocket and putting it into Wal-Mart's pocket. Again, our intention is not to send any sort of message to Wal-Mart; they just happen to have blazed the trail for what we think is a very bad trend in modern life, and we'd like to distance ourselves from what they're doing. And we'd like to prove to ourselves that low prices aren't important enough to us to make us compromise in other areas."
Hats off to Rick. He is a man who dose act on his convictions! We are trying very hard to wean ourselves off the Walmart beast.
You may want to read Rick's posts on Simple living. They are very good and I think everyone can learn something reading them.