Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Cream, Mud, And Trusting God

Howdy All. I just finished, with some help from my boys, a huge mixing bowl filled with peaches and freshly whipped cream. Supper was a creamy, cheesy, soup. I'm washing it all down with a nice cold glass of Cream Ale. Hmm, I've got a cream theme going here.

Its been raining for days. I think it rained 3 times this summer. Now its going to rain all of October! I had been looking at the bright side, like...the dirt hole sets won't freeze on the fox line. Now I'm thinking how about how to make mud hole sets!

Farming can get you down sometimes. Times like these are tough. Going into the winter without much feed, fuel costs are high, milk prices on the down turn, and facing the fact a couple of dumb mistakes can cost you everything you've ever worked for, can turn men into worry worts. I used worry about everything. Its amazing that I didn't drop dead from nervousness. I'd like to say that as soon as I became a Christian is when my constant worrying stopped.....but I'd been a lair. It was several years after the fact, really. After studying the scriptures and finally grasping the concept of God's sovereignty, I quit worrying. Oh sure, I still worry sometimes. It ain't nothing like the old me though. I've come to grips with fact that life is filled with lessons that God has set for me. Most of the time its, "Trust me, you ungrateful fool", followed by me asking forgiveness. I suppose it comes down to believing the promises of scripture.....really believing them. If God says that he will feed his people, why is it so darn hard to believe it. Jesus Christ is bigger than locusts, droughts, coon, windstorms, hail, and early frosts. He made them and sent them our way to glorify Himself through our faithfulness.

I have been working on the "links bar". Added a few new ones. It seems to be growing into a creature of it own! Looking at the template makes my eyes spin around. Its a work in progress.


At 10/13/2005 10:16 AM, Blogger JFC said...

The Northern Farmer also posted on the bad times a few days back. I'm glad that, like the Psalmist, y'all are giving the full picture. We might not like it (the full picture), but knowing that God is sovereign, and that his people cannot be separated from his love, does bring a peace in the midst of the storm.



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