The Wedding
Well, I have not had a chance to post anything the last few days. I've been getting ready for and catching up from, a good ole fashioned hillbilly wedding. A friend that I grew up with was married on Saturday, and I found my self all dressed up and cleaned up, standing up with him and a motely crew of dirt farmers, mechanics, and livestock. Yup, I said livestock. The men folks were all dressed in late 1800's western clothes. We all looked pretty good, if I do say so myself. I had not heard many of the details untill I got there. I got up at 2:30am and did a days work by 6am. By 6:30 we were on the road. I had a highschool kid and my brother come out and do the afternoon milking and feeding for me. When we got there someone announced that there were to be no side arms or adult beverages during the ceremony. I shook my head and asked the groom if he had gone " high soceity" on me. He said, "listen, I've got a goat, a dog, and Scott Terry in my wedding.......what more do want." Now I was thrilled! Never seen a goat and an Australian Sheperd in wedding before. Make a long story short, A brides maid led the goat down the aisle. It stood there with the girls during the whole thing. Just before the vows and all got under way, the dog came trotting(sort of) down the aisle and stood at the groom's feet. As always, the food was the best part of the whole thing. I think there was lamb, pork, beef, and a turkey! The lamb was killed that morning. I missed that part, I was still on the road. I was able to see a lot of folks I hadn't seen in 8 or 10 years, and that is always nice. Another thing I liked was that becouse it was show nite at the WDE, the DJ had a cell phone connection to Madison and was giving folks the class results. A case where technology was used for good.
Odds and Ends
Reformed Agrarianisms favorite Pastor has a blog. If you haven't seen it, be sure to check out the The Rural Missourian
How Far Do You Walk Every Day?
I love, love, love Gene Logsdon. One of my absolute favorite books is The Contrary Farmer. That's saying a lot, because I read a lot! I just bought two new (for me) Logsdon books, All Flesh Is Grass and Living At Nature's Pace.
Sounds like great wedding. When I was growing up, most weddings had a sheep roast. Can't say I ever went to one with a goat, but it sounds like fun!
Sounds like great clothes and fabulous food. Not sure about the animals though. I think I would have just invited them to the reception.
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