Thursday, April 21, 2005

Salatin Field Day

Its no secret that I really like Joel Salatin. This summer he invites everyone out to his place!
Here is the invite.......

Dear folks,

How about getting together for a day of food, fun and fellowship away from hotels and conference centers, out on the land where tomorrow’s farm is already happening?We’re willing to clean up the clutter and provide a clean meat barbeque with all the fixin’s if you’ll join us.

We promise to do our utmost to make this one of the most inspiring and blessed days you’ve ever had. If you have wanted to visit but felt it would intrude; if you have a friend, relative or neighbor for whom seeing may be just the nudge needed to change their thinking; if you need your emotional boiler stoked; if you yearn to farm but don’t see how it’s possible; if you’re just hungry for agricultural truth; if you’re looking for production or marketing ideas; if you’re looking for clean food suppliers or producers; if you think cows hurt the environment; if you’ve quit eating meat because of inhumane or unclean animal husbandry practices — this day could change your life.

Please bring us your ideas so we can do better and we’ll share ours with you to discover together what’s best for the land, our communities, our families and our future.
This is not a conference — you won’t see charts and graphs nor hear academic theories. This is a family day to see, handle and taste what works, what is true, and what is real. It’s a celebration of opportunities. Bring the children.

Our goal is to encourage you to catch a vision for agricultural enterprises that are emotionally, economically and environmentally enhancing.

Now what do you say? Does this sound like an exciting day? Okay, then call today so we can get dinner ready. Lord willing, we’ll see you in July.

All the best,
Joel Salatin for all of us at Polyface,The Farm of Many Faces

Polyface Farm Field Day will be held on Saturday, July 23, 2005. If you want more info or to register click Here.


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