The last year or so, I have been thinking about what caused the church in America to lose sight of basic stewardship values considering creation. I mentioned this was on my mind in my last post post, which got this response from the Missouri Rev....
I look forward to the discussions as to why “the church as a whole has abandoned
the concept of covenantal stewardship and why they have a negative view of
creation in general.” Covenant means boundaries and sacred obligation, for which
our autonomy worshipping culture despises and mocks. I believe the Lord’s people
have, to a greater extent then they would admit, bought into the false
neutrality of “American freedom” where they can pretty much do as they please
when it comes to earning a living, using earth’s resources, planning for the
future, investing, and all the other things common to daily living. After all,
“the Bible really doesn’t address these things in detail and, besides, we live
in the age of grace where such archaic “Old Testament” practices as covenantal
faithfulness and obedience to commandments are no longer required.” There is an
arrogant ambivalence that permeates American Christendom that assumes, because
of short-term, live for now thinking, that the economic system that runs our
nation today is biblically based and, thus, condoned of God. “Just look at all
of the prosperity and opportunity we have compared to other nations.” This
carnal worldview is based upon subjective comparisons and not the Word of God
which emphatically states that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every
word that proceeds from the mouth of God. This carnal “Christian” worldview also
involves ungodly compartmentalizing where no associations are made between
covenantal faithfulness and God’s blessing and covenantal unfaithfulness and His
curses. This form of secular tunnel vision leads to a blindness which refuses to
see that the brazen, overt paganism that has taken our nation captive is
directly related to the ungodly economics that we embrace, in covenantal
unfaithfulness, for the mother’s milk of a pagan culture is pagan economics. The
same is said for the ungodly agrarianism that is destroying our nation’s created
lands and resources. Oh well, there is my two-cents worth of musings; perhaps it
will spark some discussion.
Needless to say, I agree with the good pastor's thoughts. I was thinking some more about it during milking. What follows are some random thoughts I have....
In a sense, one thing that happened was a case of throwing out the baby with the bathwater. When the godless, pagen leftism of the 60's made creation itself a golden calf, the church responded in the ussuall reactionary way she has done before. She threw the baby out with the bathwater and proceeded to smash the bathtub with a 9 pound sledge. In my younger days I had this half witted to enviromental issues. I took the stance, "Anyone remotely censerned with the enviroment was a closet commie."
Bad Theology...... America is largely comprised of a theological system that is only a couple hundred years old not very biblically sound. Dispensationalism and premillenialism have created a "why polish brass on a sinking ship" mentality that may take generations to reverse. Why bother conserving or improving "the late great planet earth"?
Quasi-Gnostic Amillenialism. I'm sorry to have to say this but, a good portion of the reformed world is plagued with some strange kind of "christian gnosticism". They will deny it if confronted but they hate all matter and anything remotely "earthy". Only the invisible and spirtual have any value. Sorry folks, God made it all and proclaimed it was Good!
There you have it. Chew it over and tell me what you think.