Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Another Kind of Inheritance

We have spent a bit of time talking about the importance of leaving our children and their children material inheritance. Land, barns, and gold are blessing for sure. Wanting to be able to give our covenant children these things is admirable and faithful. But there is another kind of inheritance that is equally, if not more important. Knowledge and useful skills. These can not be taxed, stolen or lost. An old man I knew as a child used to tell me, "Scott, never quit learnin'. They can't never take it away....that you got up here (while tapping the side of his head)."

The first and most important knowledge we can give to our children is a knowledge and love of the Scriptures. It is here that we learn the most important lessons and skills. This must be the foundation of Covenantal Agrarainism, if it is not, failure and judgment will be the only thing we leave future generations.

We live at a time when hyper specialization is the norm. If you think about it, this is a golden opportunity for the advancement of our cause. The specialist limit the number of children they have, can't provide anything for themselves and have created a system so unnatural that it must, in time, collapse. As the agrarians remain faithful to Gods word and multiply our numbers, we are also teaching our children skills that will help us, by Gods Grace, weather whatever storms the collapse of industrialism brings. If God sees fit to rebuild Christian culture in North America, our children and theirs, may well be those builders. Now is not the time for retreatism or pessismissim. We must not let our goal become one that centers around a "just sit back and survive" mentality. We are separating from pagan culture not to retreat, but to exclaim the Crown Rights of King Jesus.

It might well turn out that what wealth we create may be stolen or lost in the coming storm. This is why I make sure that my house learns the skills that help them survive, things that no one can take from them. I am now teaching my children (John mostly now) how to trap. This little 3 year old just soaks up this knowledge like a sponge. In addition to reading the Bible, we are currently reading a little bit of Trapping North American Fur Bearers after every meal. Just enough for a 3 year old to remember. These things will be with him for ever. Long after his money and even his health are gone, he will retain that knowledge. I pray he passes it on, not only to his seed, but to other youngsters who want to learn. When your children want to "help" you with a job, let them "help". I know to well, what a pain it can be. But do it. This is how children learn, by working along side mom and dad. If I accomplish nothing else in life, I want my children to know Christ and all his blessings and promises. I want them to know how to hunt, trap, fish, grow a garden, move cattle, chase sheep, kill a chicken, dig a ditch, and pray. I want them to do all these things, and I want them to do it for the Glory of Christ our King. The beauty of it is, all this inheritance is tax free, debt free, and can't be taken away.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Appreciating vs. Depreciating Assets

Amy Scott hit the nail on the head with her comment on my last post regarding used vs new cars.

"The difference is in spending your money on appreciating vs. depreciating assets. "

In fact, that is the very point I was trying to get across. A car is a good example because everyone buys and owns a car, for the most part. This concept can be applied to almost all purchases on the homestead/farm. Single use machinery and buildings are good thing to stay away from whenever possible. Of course there are exceptions to this, but in general ( particularly in the early years) we should spend money on things that can bring in multiple incomes. Most single use machines are very expensive and just like a car only get old and wear out. One of the great ironies of agrarian life is that while we are the people in our culture who probably care about money the least, we have to be constantly watching our pennies and be exceptional business people because of the nature of our businesses ( slim margins-weather-ect). Take for example a house. If you buy raw land you need to build something to live in. The first thought of many will be to build a house. For this example, you are just getting started and have limited capital. How much money do you plan to make with your house? Granted the house won't lose value and is a good way to preserve wealth it does not make you any money. If it costs you $75,000 to build it, that's $75,000 you can't invest in assets that appreciate, like feeder pigs, chickens or a pasture cage. Why not buy a used mobile home for the first few years and free up all that money for things that will make money. This is what I did. We bought our mobile home for $1000. We had been praying that the Lord would provide us with a way to have a home and found out about a guy who had bought a new trailer and needed to get rid of the old one. It was a real nice mobile home and we didn't think we could afford it, but the zoning nazis had started fining him for having it on his land. I offered him $1000 and he said "get it out of here!" It ain't a palace but we are grateful for it. We spend no money on rent or mortgage payments or interest on loans. We own it free and clear and can always build something of our own when we can afford it. That's the key I think. If you can't afford it you don't deserve it. We live in an age where we think just because we are Americans, we deserve a real house and a nice car. Nothing wrong with owning it if you can afford it, but there is something wrong with going into debt just because we covet other peoples possessions. Wait for God to provide and He will. Now I realize these are some crazy ideas. I know some will misunderstand me and think I am saying we should never own anything nice......that ain't what I said. Let the nice things come latter, after we have worked for them. If we have a multigenerational vision, we should care more about building for the kids than our own comfort. We must be willing to live a little bellow our means even, so that the children can have a running start. As always I welcome comments, ideas, rebuke and sharp pointy sticks when needed!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

You Should Drive a Clunker, Young Feller

Sometimes it seems that the younger you catch the "Agrarain Vision" the better. By the time your in your 30's or 40's it seems you have made so many mistakes in life that you'll have to settle for building a farm for the kids and not yourself. Lets face it, debt is the norm in our culture. If your debt free, your the oddball. If you want the kind of farm we talk about here, you better plan on being a real oddball in your youth. Sure some folks will come in later in life and pull it off, but we need to really aim a lot of our teaching to the 20 something crowd. If we can drive home the No Debt message to the kids we'll really start seeing the fruit of this "movement" in a few generations. This leads me to todays thoughts on New Cars.

Don't do it. Don't buy a new car if you want to get started in farming. A used car will do you fine, you don't need to rammin' all over the countryside anyway. Joel Salatin says that in his 17 years of marriage they have spent a total of $6000 on cars. Heres the deal. One of his costomers who is in real estate says that the average couple spends enough money on car payments in the first 10 years of marraige to buy a small home with cash. Buy a $15,000 car and you will make $20,000 in payments. Most regular folks get a new one every five years. Wow, just think of the money that could go toward land or critters, that is instead buying something that loses value every day you own it! If we can teach the younger folks that they don't "need" a new car, we would hear a lot less of the "I want to farm but don't have the money to get started" crying.........crying that most of us have heard out of our own mouths, unfortunately.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Canned Goods, Split Wood, a Wedding and Links for Your Enjoyment

Well Folks, we've been pretty busy round here lately. We've been working on getting the canning finished up and the pantry filled. Looks like another lean winter for the farm, money wise, so we're trying to get all our ducks in a row before the snows 6 ft deep and its blowing and howling out. We left the farmhouse last winter and moved up here on the hill homestead. We heated with oil last winter and it about broke the bank. We heat the main house, which houses mom, dad, and granny, with wood. I'm putting a wood stove here before winter. Now we need to gather up wood for two places, so I'll need to get crackin soon. Hope to pull out some logs this week and get started. I've had some nice emails regarding my post "No Land... No Problem". I'm real exited about this idea being a way for folks to get their hands into farming while they patiently wait for land. I got a call the other night asking if I wanted to be in a wedding. My answer of "yes" was followed by questions like, "What size Carhart do ya wear? and Got black boots?". Yes folks, this is a real countrified hillbilly affair complete with roasted hog and plenty of brew. I'm looking forward to seeing a bunch of folks I haven't seen in many years.

Now The Globalist Are After Our Vitamins

Our friend "Balestacker" has a Blog now.

In his words.....

A blog for and about, bible thumpin', gun totin', beer drinkin', one woman lovin', benevolent dictator dads. Others are welcome too... just don't expect to jump in and run things, cuz you're in my world now.

Chad Degenhart takes a look at How the Amish View Insurance and asks Does Disobedience To God’s Laws Promote Economic Growth?

Wisdom from the Northern Farmer....
Sometimes I think if brains were leather some of these people wouldn't have enough to saddle a gnat.

From New Farm-- The first and most important step toward effective pricing-- Cost concepts.

The Coincidence Theorist's Guide to 9/11

Monday, August 22, 2005

No Land...No Problem

This post is for all my readers who live in town and keep having the "if I only had some land" thoughts. The other day Leah and I were riding in the car and couldn't help but notice all the land around here that is just sitting there doing nothing. We passed field after field of headed out orchard grass and weeds. With the demise of the small dairy farms in the north east we have lots of small farms that just sit and I imagine its the same somewhere near you. Leah said something about what a shame it was to see all that potential grass land wasting away. We both remarked how great it would be to see that land covered with pastured broilers or layers. Latter in the week I was reading something by Joel Salatin, and it hit me. The beauty of these pastured poultry models is that they are cheap and portable. Sure everyone wants to own land, and it is a noble and good thing to desire. But.... If you are just starting out and have a lot of learning to do, the time to learn is NOT when you start having mortgage payments due. As I travel around I see lots of land that is just begging to have chickens or something on it. If you stop and ask, chances are pretty good the land owner would love to see it being used. Especially the older folks. You can rent most of this land cheap and if you find the right folks,, you might get it for nothing or for some frozen birds. You could build up your business and get a running start without the worries that come with land payments. You could build a customer base and when you had a good cash flow, then you could start looking at land within a reasonable distance of your buyers. As Chad Degenhart has been writing about, this may not be the best time to go buying land anyway. Prices will come down to more reasonable levels. So, go get in the car and start driving around. Stop and chat with land owners. Build some floorless cages in the garage and start rounding up some feeders and waterers. This next spring you could be farming. Sure it might be a small step, but you need to do SOMETHING. You want raise chickens? No Land- No Problem.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Another Alaska Story.......

Man, it sure is cold in here. Just stuck my head out from under the wool blankets that are piled 3 deep, and its probably -40 in the cabin this morning. I guess everyone sleep pretty sound last night, cause it don't feel like anybody put any wood on the fire. Yup, its out for sure. Bet last nights coffee is froze stiff in the pot. I ought to go start a fire.......But for now I'm gonna stay right here in my warm cocoon. Figures the fire would go out tonight and not last night. Last night a warm south wind blew for a spell. It was +1 when we got up. Fueled up the snowmachines and loaded our gear in a tee shirt and long underwear. Never thought +1 would be tee shirt weather when I lived back in NY. I've seen that south wind blow in and it go from -40 to +40 in minutes. When the wind stops it drops back down just as fast. Always want extra cloths with you, so you don't get caught on the down slide without a parka. We broke some trail yesterday, tough work. The west fork is froze up good and we are putting some fox and mink sets down there. We can cut off across the old Indian walk trail to the river. Indians took this trail to fish camp for hundreds of years and the path is beat down so well you can see it in the summer from a bush plane. Two days ago we had 5 marten on the first loop. I saw wolverine tracks down on the big lake, walked right pass our wolf sets. Old Sam took me down the west fork a ways the other day and showed me a cabin that two Swedes built in 1900. The roof is starting to cave. Sam says they used to use it for line camp years ago. Our cabin is about 2o miles or so from the nearest road and our line stretches out quite a ways. Sometimes it hits you out here, "I'm standing in the middle of nowhere, on the top of the world." friends back home think we lost our minds. Livin' in the bush with no running water and an outhouse, miles from anything. Of course they've never seen the northern lights or watched a bull moose come up out of the willows. They ain't never heard timber wolves at dusk or picked low bush cranberries or watched your garden grow in 19 hours of sunlight. They don't have a clue about the bush, think its a frozen ice cube. Well I'm gonna be one, if I don't go start the fire soon. I don't like the thought of fumbling around with my frozen fingers trying to arrange the tinder and strike the match. Oh, I hate the thought of crawling out of this warm blanket, but its got to be done. Don't reckon its to healthy, sitting here talking to myself...........now where did I leave them matches?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Build Your Own Blacksmith Forge

Blacksmithing is a lot fun and a good skill for a homesteader to learn. There have been a few articles in magazines on this subject, of building a forge. Several articles I've seen had some pretty goofy looking forges made of all sorts of things including wheel rims! The last forge I built was made from a used hotwater heater tank. I cut it the long way, so it looks like a feed trough when its done, with a metal cutting blade on a circular saw. There is usually a treaded hole on the side of these tanks. Cut it so the hole is centered on the bottom. Use some angle iron to make some legs, remember to brace them well. I like mine about hip high. Find a piece of fairly think plate steel thats big enough to cover the hole. Drill lots of holes in it for air flow and then weld it over the hole. Thread a straight piece of pipe in the hole and put a tee on the bottom of the pipe so there is a one hole on the bottom and one hole on the side. I just take an old soup can and squash the top on it on the bottom hole. It will catch the ashes for easy removal. The side hole is for your bellows. Don't have one? Use a hair drier with multiple settings. Works great for forced air. Now all you need is some blacksmith coal and a anvil. You can use a pair of visegrips or pliers for tongs until you can make some. Keep your eyes open for big coil springs from trucks. Thats what I used to make knives. There are some good books out there on blacksmithing, read up on it and you will have a ball making all sorts of things for the homestead. The last time I moved, I left all my smithin' tools and forge behind. Sure wish I hadn't, but I did. Sometime soon I'll be making a new setup and will post some pictures of the final product.

Monday, August 15, 2005

A Night I'll Never Forget

The last few steps were murder on my poor legs and back, we had been plugging along all day. We stopped for water a few hours ago and I knew the next time I stopped walking, I'd be done for the day. We were in the alpine mountains, out in the Wrangle wilderness. We were above the tree line and had just dropped down into willow scrubs that lined the creek. We found a nice gravel bar to spend the night. The tundra carpet on the mountains is a squishy mat of lichens and moss, almost impossible to walk on. We spent a lot of time on the edges of 2 creeks that flowed from the melting ice above us. I let out a groan as I dropped my pack, which weighed almost 60 pounds. We were sitting in the most beautiful spot you could imagine. We set up the tent on a large gravel bar where 2 streams came together. We were back quite a ways from the water. We collected some willow and started a fire to dry out some gear that got wet from the stream crossings we made in the morning. Nate started our little camp stove and cooked up some supper. We found some low bush cranberries and nibbled on them while we waited for our rice and beans to cook. It was 7pm and we were ready for some rest. After supper it started to rain a little and we had some coffee brewed up that we drank out of our little tin cups. I added a dribble of Yukon Jack whiskey to mine. It got dark around 11pm and we were already sleeping. What we didn't know was that it was raining a lot harder up in the mountains. The streams began to swell in the night and there was so much water coming down it was bringing half the mountain down with it. Eric wake up and noticed the sides of the tent were pushed in. He woke us up and we were a little puzzled. We could hear boulders coming down the creek crashing into the willows and the roar of the water sounded more like a major river. Tons of silt was coming down the stream and was settling in around us as we slept. The tent was buried in a foot or more and the zipper was stuck. I stood up to put on my shoes and the ground under me gave out and crumbled into the stream. It seems the stream was a lot wider now! Nate ripped the door open and the water flowed through the tent. They held the corners while I escaped. The water was cold and the silt and gravel took the skin off our legs like liquid sand paper. We saved the tent but lost some of our gear. It was dark and the noise of the water and the landslides was unbelievable. We drug our stuff up a 9ft ledge and escaped the water. We went to sleep wet and cold. Hypothermia was big concern, but there was nothing we could do. We fell a sleep not knowing what would become of us. In the morning we got out of the tent and to our surprise we saw the little valley we camped in was gone. The 7ft tall tree the tent was next to had only the one ft sticking out of the gravel! If we had slept a little longer, no one would have ever found us. We spent the next day drying out and drinking coffee. We lost a bit of gear that night but we managed to save most of the food and our topo maps. After we got the fires going good and all our stuff hanging on a makeshift close line, Nate looks at me and smiles....."Well, it ain't really a vacation unless you almost die at least once." I agreed, as we had another cup coffee

Friday, August 12, 2005

Garden Experiments

The layered compost experiment has done very well for us in the garden. Plans are to expand it now, for next year. I brought up a round bale tonight and plan on rolling it out and wetting it down. I'm going to mix the layers of hay with chicken manure, composted cow manure, wood ashes and perhaps some peat. This heavy mulch, topsoil building gardening is the answer for our hill country soil. By using round bales and things I have a lot of on the farm, I should be able to make fairly big spot with limited work and expence. One of the best things about it, is the fact that you don't have to till it at all. Makes spring planting go lickity split.

Another thing that worked real well this year was the wide rows of beans. I'll never bother planting single or double rows again. They really did well, in part becouse of the shad canopy that they made for the roots. The ground didn't dry out as quick and there were hardly any weeds at all. I planted them very thick, I was afraid to thick, but they yeilded very well. My widest row was 4 ft. This may be about as wide as I'd make them, for ease of picking.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Long Time....No Posts

We have been very busy. I have not had much time to spend on blogging. The garden continues to grow and Leah has been doing a lot of canning. The meat chicks are out on grass and enjoying the fresh air. Having raised them indoors, in my younger days, I can't believe how much happier and healthier they are outdoors. We have had a few cows freshen in. The calf barn is full of the nicest group of young stock we have had in a long while.......must be all those minus proof bulls I'm using. We still need rain. Everything is dead. Cows are eating a lot of hay that I had hoped to save for winter. There are even trees on the edge of the woods that are starting to die. Seems like its a drought or flood the last few years, no in between. The milk price is dropping and the heat has really started to decrease our production. We have some steers to kill soon and lots of food from the garden, so at least I won't be hungry, even if I'm broke.

Life Without Usury and Ian Hodge On Usury are well worth reading, over at the House of Degenhart. This subject is one that interests me (pun intended) a great deal and should be on the minds of all agrarians.

R. L. Dabney on Law and Lawyers

CAFTA: The New Race to the Floor .... I know its already a done deal, but this is worth reading.

If you think CAFTA is the "shafta", just wait for the FTAA.

I have said in the past that we should not sell our products for whatever the market will bare. It wouldn't be right to say, sell eggs for $5 a dozen just because we could. On the flip side of the coin, I wish hobby farmers would stop selling at a loss just because they are having fun. We have some yahoos out here that work a full time job and keep hobby farms to entertain themselves. Fine, more power to ya. Just don't drive me out of business selling your free range eggs for 75 cents a dozen. Those of us that have made the sacrifices required to try to scratch out living at this, are sick of being undercut by products subsidized by city jobs. If your goal is to someday be a real farmer, you'll never get there the way your going.

CRP is a fraud. I live in the middle of CRP country. You know, where the government pays you to let land grow up to weeds as long as you mow it by a certain date. My town is full of people who never ever intended to farm the land collecting huge checks to let it look like it would have anyway. First, they ain't conserving anything. All the CRP land I see is sparse, spotty, awful looking stuff that needs manure and compost on it. They are not doing the land any favors, or the wildlife. Number two, it drives up the rental price for land. The government pays people out here as much as $65 an acre for land that would rent for $15 an acre. A chunk of mediocre hill dirt cannot be farmed for $65. But they know they can get it from the FedGov so there is no need to rent it to farmer Brown for $15. Farmer Brown might make something of it...... but we all know MONEY is more important

Monday, August 08, 2005

For The Children

Those who are striving to build the kind of family businesses and communities that we talk about here, must remember that this is a multigenerational vision. While I believe that most people can make it happen, we must remember that for many this is the first generation to think this way. As I look back, I realize that Leah and I would not be in the place we are now if it were not for the head start that my parents gave us. As I have stated before, my folks lived below their means and put all the money they ever earned into the farm. They did it so I could have the start that they didn't have. Joel Salatin tells a similar story about his start. For some folks, quitting the job in town won't be possible for some time. Some might never be able to. But the 2nd generation will have a head start and might never have to work away from home. This process will take time. All should work toward the goal of doing it one generation, but not feel defeated if it does not happen. When the land is paid for and the barns or shops are built, many of the stumbling blocks you faced are gone. Our children will be in a much better position to take our dreams to the next level. If you taught them well, they will do the same for their children.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Reformed Agrarian Fashion

Here you go Carmon. Keith just emailed some pictures of Laura in her camo skirt. Someday folks will notice that all the "real women" they know are all dressed like this. Just remember, you saw it first on Homesteader Life.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Some Thoughts on Debt, Insurance and Babies

There are many Christians today that are seeking a more simple life. They are sick of corporate politics, sick of trying to keep up with the Jones's. Tired of talking about 401ks with the neighbor and are wondering if there is something more to life. This wicked economic system of debt, usury and materialism has taken its toll on Christian families and many are ready to jump ship. The brave pioneers of Covenantal Agrarianism face many hurdles in this age. The system is stacked against them and leaving it behind is no easy task.

The first step for the wannbe agrarian is getting out of and staying out of Debt. For this essay I will assume you already know that debt and usury are wrong. The key to staying away from it is learning to be content with what the Lord has provided us and not lust after the possessions of our neighbors. What makes this even harder for the Homesteader type is the fact that you won't have much money. Just because we are cash poor doesn't mean that God hasn't blessed us abundantly. As I've written before, there are many things in life to enjoy that don't cost a dime. Once you weed out the obvious things you can cut out of the budget, you have to reevaluate some we don't think we can do without. Everyone starts out with this rosey idea......"I'll grow all my own food and sell some and I really won't need money". When they sit down and figure the things that modern industrial society tells us we must have........They become discouraged and give up the dream. One prime example is health insurance. You are used to it, your boss pays for most of it now, and you really don't think you can be without it. For my clan, it would cost us $800 a month! Needless to say we don't have any. The whole idea of limiting liability seems wrong to me anyway and some of my $800 would help kill babies and buy people birth control. We are now part of a Christian cost share system that works well. Every month we give $225 to someone that needs it to pay for a medical bill. It is only used for bills over a certain amount so you can't run to the doctor every time your kid looks crosseyed at you. Having ins has got people in the habit of going to the doctor way to much anyway. If you're like me and believe birth control is a sin, you will have babies coming every so often. If you think it has to cost an arm and a leg, your wrong. Our bill is a couple thousand dollars. We don't do ultra-sounds or anything else that cost a lot. We have the babies born at home like people have since the beginning of time. If your new to the "homebirth" idea I recommend Kelly Degenhart's post. The point is this, we have to look at everything we do and decide if its really necessary. We're building a new world, if you will. We can't let the wicked world dictate what do or don't do.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Transition to Home Economy

Herrick Kimball had a good post recently on Returning To The Family Economy. I have written on this before. I am a firm believer that this what we should be working toward. I have been thinking about it the last couple of days and think that the transition will be much harder than most people think. I have had some experience with it, as a lifetime "family farmer", and thought I should offer some insight into some of the challenges that the postmodern Christian family might face.

The fact is that most Christian families today operate in the system that keeps dad away from the homeplace most of the day. This is the norm. We can listen to Vision Forum tapes, read books about being families, and think we have the world by the tail. Once we take the first step towards a family business we start to notice a few things. The biggest thing I think will be learning how to get along and love each other all day instead of for a couple of hours before bedtime. It sounds easy, but most American families don't even know what its like to be with their spouse and children all day long. Ever heard the old lady that complains about her retired husband that spends to much time in her house? Sad, but it happens a lot.

Fathers, When we begin the home business we lose something that we have become accustomed to. An escape. I think its a darn good thing to lose for many reasons, but it will be an adjustment nevertheless. When we spend the day at the office, perhaps surrounded by unbelievers, its to easy to get away things that we would never let our kids get away with. Its to easy for example, to break 2 or 3 commandments just so we can close a deal and make the boss a quick buck. Then our homes become the escape we need to forget about the evil thing we did at work. We can go home and read the bible with the family and act as if nothing ever happened. The family economy brings us the accountability we need. We also will be faced with a new challenge. Our partners-employees-workers are now our wives and children and grandchildren. This can be a very sticky thing. I have for many years had trouble not taking the business arguments to the dinner table. No longer can the troubles at work be forgotten on the car ride home. We must turn to God's Word when dealing with this potential problem. These are just a couple things to think about. There are many more things that will be a challenge. I'm not telling you these things to discourage you. I want people to be aware that the transition may be tough so they can better prepare themselves for it. It can be done and should be done. The fruit of the family economy is bountiful and worth being pricked by a couple of thorns along the way. It is an edifying experience. We must remember that edification is not always painless.

Monday, August 01, 2005

We're All to Stupid, Odds and Ends

We're All To Stupid

I read an interesting article in the CountryFolks newspaper today. The basic theme of the article was that globalism is good and the average farmer is to stupid to understand it. It was a lot of the same old BS about free trade, and even though our businesses seem to be doing poorly we need to remember that we are also consumers......and lets not forget global free trade is goood for consumers. The final paragraph is the one that burned me up. We should be thankful that even though we are a bunch of backward uneducated hicks, we have a network of established land grant univerisities to explain it all to us and show us how to compete with the rest of the world. They even went on to tell us how extra lucky we are that we live in NY, home of Cornell, the sourse of all realivent agricultural knowlege. GIVE ME A BREAK! Never mind its these fools that got us all in the mess we're in now. One word of advice, stay away from the land grant experts.

Odds and Ends

A New And Modified Declaration of Independence has been penned by Bret McAtee. I think its time.

Chad Degenhart has answered the Agrarian critics charge of legalism.

I can’t emphasise enough what an important concept this is, because some Christians have taken the position that the Christian-Agrarian critique of industrialised society is legalistic. They ask, “where in the Bible does God prohibit us from expanding our businesses as much as we possibly can, and where does he place limits on our freedom to industrialise and specialise?” Our answer is simply this - those limits occur naturally, and are as real as the law of gravity. When we obey God’s moral laws, we don’t have to worry about how much is too much. Our current industrialised economy is highly unnatural, and ONLY possible because we have abandoned honest money and adopted a usurious system which breaks down any and all naturally occuring economic boundaries. Even the pagan Greenspan recognised this, and his distaste for those natural boundaries is why he tried to make a logical case for the necessity of the modern banking system, the system he now serves as Chairman and Chief Apologist.

Thus the agrarian ideal is truly an appeal to God’s law above all else. When we abandon our current economic system which is based on false weights and measures, deceptive merchandising, counterfeit (fiat) money, and usury, we’ll find ourselves in the middle of an agrarian economy.

Read it all here..... Greenspan’s Plan

Iowa family farm leaders challenge USDA agenda

One Man's Veiws on Peak Oil

If as a society we have a different goal than "subduing the earth" in this Biblical sense, then we are in outright corporate rebellion against our Maker. If we are employed in work that undermines this Divine plan, or we are in a legitimate field, but using methods which work against the purpose of God, we are also in rebellion against God. We cannot excuse ourselves by saying,"I have to make a living!" God knows how to provide for those who put His purposes ahead of their own earthly interests. Howard King's Foundations